Custom Portraits of Joy's grandchildren have been done from snapshots of them as they play. These are samples of her work and are not for sale.

McKenna with Black-eyed Susans

By The Sea
For Sale

In My Mother's Arms

Profile of Sadie

Portrait of McKenna

For Sale

My Easter Bonnet

My Dolly

Mother's Day Surprise

Immortalize your child or children in watercolor. Capture their youth and sweet innocence in play or in a formal situation, by sending a color photo to or by post at A Joy Forever,1249 East Hale St., Mesa, AZ 85203.

For customers in the Phoenix metropolitan area, our photographer can come out to take photos of your child or children. Capture them with creative photography in their own environment,doing what they love to do most. She will provide you with 24 proofs plus the negatives for $85. Together we will choose the most appropriate photo for your custom watercolor portraits.

Each contract price will be individualized according to the detail requested. See sales page for more specifics.

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